Thanksgiving Walk

Today was not only a day to be grateful to God but it was as beautiful as a day could be. I am sorry for all of you who are having storms but here in Texas the  sun was shining, the sky blue and the air was crisp and dry with the temperature in the mid 50s. This beauty left us no choice to take an after feast walk in a park, (We pay for glorious days in fall and winter by the temperatures getting to over 100 degrees for about three months in the summer and also it was in the 30s last week.)

There were ducks and herons in the pond but my phone camera wasn’t fond of the shade they were in so we move on to other sights that we encountered on our short excursion. The sun was low in the sky and insisted on making lovely star bursts of light through the trees. The walk was sweet but short as the tryptophan began to take effect and a nap was called for. Happy Thanksgiving to you.


About mylifesapark

I love hearing people laugh at my stories. Not fiction, but stories from my life and the lives of friends and family. No one is safe, but I change the names to protect the innocent and guilty, I am not here to make enemies. This blog is about the ridiculousness of life and the unexpected sweetness. OK, so now you are wondering what the title is about. I love parks. I grew up in a city with great parks and lived directly across the street from a 45-acre one. And when I say parks I am not talking about a small patch of green and a playground, I am talking lush green hills and woods with trees four or five stories tall. To me parks are the greatest places on earth. A full life must include at least one great park on a regular basis. I could have called the blog “My life is a walk in the Park” but that was too long. “A walk in the Park was taken. But I realize that I would prefer comparing life to a park itself, rather than just a walk in one. I want the tragic-comedy of life to be as rich and lush as the parks that I love.
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